Interview for A.M. CLUB

Tell us about how you got started as a graphic designer? When and where was the “ah-ha!” moment?
I literally found this style during a 90 day challenge to make a painting/day. The first month presented a lot of different styles. Looking back, I can see bits of my RHYTHMS style starting to surface in month two. By about day 75 I had found it! I recommend this challenge for all artists desiring a reboot!

You have created your own, strong, amazing aesthetic and style – what inspired you along the way? Any words of wisdom for all artists out there who are still finding their own style?
In the words of the great Mies van der Rohe, “Less is More” applies to just about everything.
What have been some of your favorite projects and why?
Palm Springs Sabbaticals:
For the past three winters, I’ve left the freezing temperatures of Chicago for painting time in Palm Springs. The temperature is perfect for painting outside. I stand barefoot on the earth, feel the sun on my skin, watch flowers bloom, swimming pool ripple, clouds glide… and I channel those rhythms and colors into my paintings.

Any movies, books or people that have inspired you?
Austin Kleon’s “Show your work” is good for artists of all types
How do you stay inspired and creatively charged?
My regular studio overlooks Lake Michigan, --the number of shades of blues in the lake, and ranges of pinks in a sunset – are infinite. I need only look outside to get motivated by color.
What other passions do you have?
Interior design. I believe our homes are reflections of who we are, and should make us feel good. I’m lucky that I can rotate my art all the time. I actually switch out paintings based on seasons… different colors fit different moods, in different seasons!
What is the best advice you’ve ever received from a mentor or colleague?
Use graduate school mostly as an excuse to make art full time. Don’t get too wrapped up in the critiques.

What’s the first thing you do every morning?
Our bedroom overlooks the Lake, so I cherish my coffee in bed, looking at the lake.
Dream or next travel destination? Previous favorite?
Next: Returning to an artist residency in Kapadokya Turkey this winter. The natural mountain formations are so inspiring. I’m excited to paint them in winter colors.

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